Jiko Bukken

Behind death, the second greatest driver in my work is divorce, but what’s surprising is that such clients aren’t more common. The impact of divorce leaves lingering imprints that emotionally trigger the new residents,

My Fee

Ultimately my clients need to know what I charge. I used to be somewhat embarrassed about it because my service is so weird that it was hard to put a value on.

SF Chronicle Hit Piece and Rebuttal

After Healing Houses was released, the San Francisco Chronicle sent a reporter to shadow me on a house sale job. I didn’t expect him to be so shady…


Behind death, the second greatest driver in my work is divorce, but what’s surprising is that such clients aren’t more common. The impact of divorce leaves lingering imprints that emotionally trigger the new residents,

Death and Disclosure

Occasionally I am asked about the disclosure of death on a property, and while it seems fairly clear, there are some distinct legal loopholes. From my perspective, however, it is all relatively meaningless,

Home Energy Flow Chart

Looking at the chart, you can see there are 3 Essential Categories of Energetic Influence, Financial, Physical, and Emotional, ….