In the intuitive sphere, we recognize that everyone sends and receives subtle information, through emotions. But in western society, we are trained to ignore and mask them. Similarly, it’s much easier to deny unusual experiences than to challenge rationality.
When it comes to your home, odd feelings in certain rooms, recurring events or repetitive dreams are common signs of energetic residue. It doesn’t take paranormal events to feel something is off, and most people are sensitive to a history of violence or death, whether they can put their finger on it or not.
If you are reading this, something is probably bugging you, and I trust that there is a reason. This chart describes the categories of basic elements you might be dealing with.
For a deeper understanding, listen to How I See It, a short chapter from my book.

Clients often ask me if I am going to give them a reading and detail all the history of their house, but that’s not why they hire me. While I do uncover information, my job is resolving the identified (and unseen) problems that make it difficult for my clients to fully inhabit their space. For that reason I ask my clients to give me as much information as possible about their experiences and knowledge of the historic events. They live there, feel there, and know many of the particulars already.
On the day of the job, I meet the client, discuss their situation, and have them walk me through the house, paying attention to their feelings and experiences in specific areas. I pick a place to start meditating and work through the entire house and property, usually 4-5 hours. I have occasionally spent the day or even an entire weekend in larger estates or commercial buildings.
Some clients want to be there to experience what it feels like, or to watch me (which is really quite boring). I’m fine with that and it helps if I have a question about something I am sensing. Some clients, usually those with a serious paranormal problem, or history of murder or violence in the house, do NOT want to be around while I work, and that is fine too.
When I feel complete, I ask the client walk through the house with me and check to see if they sense the particular energy problems they are used to. Occasionally there is something to work on, but they always recognize the difference when I get done. I check in a few days afterward, to see if there is any touch up remaining to do, which is easy to work through remotely once I have cleared the space.
Me – Sheldon Norberg
Training in Transcendental Meditation at the age of ten started my lifelong interest in states of consciousness, which led to a number of studies that helped organize my professional practice.
After completing my Master of Intuition Medicine training at the Academy of Intuition Medicine®, I earned m y BA in Psycho-Spiritual Healing (a program of my own design), and graduated Summa Cum Laude from San Francisco State University. While there I met and studied Chinese Medicine with Dr. Angela Wu, with whom I continued to train privately in Taoist Sciences of Chi Nei Tsang, Feng Shui, and Ba Zi.
I am a Certified Chi Nei Tsang practitioner, Hypnotherapist and Non-Denominational Minister, studied Holotropic Breathwork® with Stanislav Grof, and Alchemical Divination with Ralph Metzner, I pull from all these studies in my client work, although working with houses and other charged buildings is a practice solely of my own design.